
Opportunities to connect mid-week

Our mid-week programs are a great way to refuel the heart and mind! During the school year from August to May, we have programs that meet for all ages on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:30PM. We also provide dinner in our Dining Room from 5:00-6:00PM for a minimal cost -- offering fellowship and a convenient meal before heading to class! During the summer months from late May to early August, we offer a Summer Wednesday Bible Study for adults, Choir rehearsal, LP Students, and a variety of Family Summer activities, in addition to VBS Week. 

Check out the programs below and get involved and be sure to scroll through our EVENTS page for current and upcoming activities!


Weekday Bible study classes are offered throughout the year covering topics of interest written by today's leading authors, including Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lysa TerKeurst, Melissa Spoelstra, Sheila Walsh, Precept Upon Precept, and more.

Check our Events or Abide Women section for classes currently being offered. 

Life Foundations

Life Foundations are adult discipleship classes that help us learn God’s Word and how to live it out daily in our lives. Each semester we offer a variety of classes including Bible studies, marriage, financial management, parenting, prayer, and more. The classes vary and change approximately every eight to twelve weeks from August through December, then again from January through May, meeting from 6:00-7:30PM. Go to our EVENTS page for a listing of classes currently offered.


During the school calendar year (August-May) on Wednesday Nights at 6:00PM, PreK Kids Club is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages preschoolers to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. Nursery Care is also provided for the little ones.

lpKIDS CLUB for 1st-5th

Each Wednesday during the school calendar year starting at 6:00PM, LPKIDS Club for 1st-5th graders provides a fun, high-energy program that encourages them to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. Through Bible stories, scripture memory, mission activities, life applications and recreation games--it all connects to teach life lessons to kids!

They also have the opportunity to experience choir and music as they learn worship expression through the art of song, with opportunities to showcase their talents throughout the year!

LP Students

Students from LifePointe, from other churches, even those without a church home come together on Wednesday nights during the school calendar year (August-May) at 6:00PM in the Youth Room for fellowship, food, and fun! But most importantly, we worship and dig into Scripture together. We try to make our time together as comfortable and inclusive as possible, with applicable teaching the students can understand and relate to. For questions about our Student Ministry, CLICK HERE to connect with our Student & College Pastor, Kegan Shoemaker.