Worship with US

worship on-campus or ONLINE SUNDAYS at 10:30 am

Worshiping authentically is vital to true growth. It's the focus of our entire heart, mind, and soul on God our Father, Christ our Savior, and The Holy Spirit our Advocate. Worshiping each week as a family of faith allows you to focus on God's Word to shape your life and transform your world! Wherever you are, we hope you connect with us each week! 

Whether on your phone, computer or tablet, click the images or links below for either ChurchOnlineFacebook Live, or YouTube Live and join us! 

MISS A SERMON? You can also catch up on past sermons on our Facebook or YouTube sites.

Go to our Events Page HERE for additional information & to view our Weekly Worship Guide


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    LifePointe Church Eustis

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